Forms & Flyers
Downloadable PDF forms or links to Google Docs are available below.
Bring Your Own Device Technology Policy – This document explains WSA’s policy on student use of technology, and gives detailed specifications for the laptops or Chromebooks that students are required to bring to school.
FACTS Family Portal login instructions This document explains how WSA parents can access and use the FACTS Family Portal to view their child's academic information, including grades, homework, and attendance.
Lunch Ordering Instructions This document gives instructions for how WSA parents can order lunches for their students using the FACTS Family Portal. Orders must be placed before 3:00 p.m. the day before the lunch date. Families will be billed monthly for the previous month’s ordered lunches.
Media Publication Opt-Out Form 2024-2025 West Sound Academy has an "opt-out" media procedure. Parents and guardians who do not wish photographs or videos of their students taken during the school day to be used for media publication need to complete and submit this form to the Front Desk by will be billed monthly for the previous month’s ordered lunches.August 28, 2024.
Medication Authorization Form 2024-2025 Parents who wish to have their students take medications during the school day must bring this signed authorization form to the front office, along with the medication to be administered. Prescription medications must be brought in the original container.
Parent-Student Handbook 2024-2025 This handbook gives detailed explanations of school policies as well as the various components of daily life at West Sound Academy - arriving and departing, transportation, lunch, textbooks, communication, conferences, and more.
School Email Login Instructions All WSA students are given an email address. This document gives instructions on how a student can login to their WSA email for the first time.
Student Initiated Fundraiser Guidelines and Form Students who wish to launch a fundraising activity that will be promoted both on campus and to the community of WSA students and families must complete and submit the Student Fundraising Proposal Form to the President of Student Council, their Advisory teacher and Head of School by September 30 for an event taking place in the Semester 1 and January 30 for an event taking place in the Semester 2. This form is required if the activity involves raising monetary funds, selling items, or procuring item donations.
Transcript Request Form Students are required to use this form to request their official high school transcripts be sent to college or university admissions offices. One form can be used for transcripts to be sent to up to two institutions. Fill out an additional form (or forms) if you require more than two transcripts to be sent. For all students that did not graduate from West Sound Academy, there is a $5 fee per transcript. Return the completed form, along with the $5 fee per transcript for non-graduates, to West Sound Academy Registrar, 16571 Creative Drive NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370.
School Closure and Emergency Communication and Pickup Practices - This flyer gives WSA policies on school closures or late starts due to emergency conditions, and explains the logistics for various scenarios where parents would need to pick up their students from campus during an emergency.
Bring Your Own Device Technology Policy – This document explains WSA’s policy on student use of technology, and gives detailed specifications for the laptops or Chromebooks that students are required to bring to school.
Individual Emergency Kit – In order to help everyone be prepared in the event of an earthquake or other disaster during school hours, each student needs to have an individual kit stored at school. This document has a list of the items to be included in the kit and guidance on what kind of storage container to use. Kits should be brought to the Back-to-School BBQ on August 27, 2024.
School Supply List – This is a list of all items WSA students in all grades should be prepared to bring to school each day.
Forms and Information for West Sound Academy's Spring Theatre Production, Silent, But Deadly – Students must complete these forms and return them to Ms. Nordleaf if they want to audition as an actor or sign up to work on the tech crew for the play. Performance dates are March 22 and 23, 2024.