Days for Girls Community Work Party
Days for Girls (DFG) International helps girls around the world stay in school by providing sustainable feminine hygiene solutions and health education. The DFG hygiene kits are produced with the help of thousands of volunteers – including the ones in Poulsbo’s own DFG chapter. The Poulsbo DFG is hosting a community work party for anyone who is interested on Saturday, January 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at West Sound Academy. Parents and students are welcome to drop by anytime during the day to learn more and help out. You don’t need to sew in order to help; there are many non-sewing tasks also. If you do sew, however, please bring your sewing machine or serger and join in the fun. Feel free to bring friends! For more information contact Shirley Wilder at Poulsbowa@daysforgirls.orgor find Days for Girls, Poulsbo Chapter, on Facebook.
January 11, 2020
9:00 am - 5:00 pm