Declaration Day 2024: Graduating seniors announce their fall plans

West Sound Academy's 23rd class of graduates, the seniors of 2023-2024, came back to campus on May 31 - the day before graduation. They had already submitted the last few assignments to Toddle, finished all of their IB exams, and returned all of their library books. All that was left to do was attend their last all-school assembly and declare to the WSA community their post-graduation plans.
They donned their graduation regalia and walked to the amphitheater, where WSA’s students and staff were waiting.
Each soon-to-be alum made a declaration of their fall plans, then signed the pennant for their chosen college or university.

This class spent their first year of high school doing remote learning at home and has demonstrated remarkable flexibility and resilience while working to achieve their personal and academic goals. Now they are off to college and other adventures. The ten members of the Class of 2024 have been accepted at 39 four-year colleges and universities in the US and abroad, and have been offered $3,372,138 in scholarships and grants. Congratulations to all!
The class of 2024 was also admitted to the 30 colleges and universities listed below.