Graduating and Celebrating: the Class of 2024.

West Sound Academy families, friends, and faculty came to Kingston on the first day of June to celebrate the achievements of the Class of 2024. The school hosted its 23rd annual commencement ceremony in a light-filled hall of the Village Green Community Center on a sometimes drizzling, sometimes sunny day.

Catherine Freeman, West Sound Academy's Head of School, welcomed everyone to the ceremony. She told the Class of 2024 to take a good look at the audience. "These are your friends, family, and teachers. They are here for you. They have been part of your journey since before you lost your first tooth, bore witness to you as a teenager navigating Zoom school, perhaps watched you peel out of the driveway – their hearts outside their bodies." Ms. Freeman then went on to recognize those in the audience "who were instrumental in your making it here today." Parents and guardians, Dr. Gordon Parke, the school's co-founder, members of the Board of Trustees, and the faculty and staff received recognition and applause.

Andrew Allemann, Chair of the Board of Trustees, introduced the commencement speaker Aidan Moore. A 2016 WSA and International Baccalaureate Diploma graduate, Moore had words of advice for the graduates for the imminent start of their college career and for afterward. "Some of the toughest challenges you will face as an adult will be navigating interpersonal relationships and navigating institutions. College gives you great practice for both," he said.
Moore went on to give more college advice. "You will offend and be offended. You'll meet people from all walks of life, some of them will inspire you and others will seem incredibly ignorant. Learn how to work hard and relax, to challenge your assumptions, to grow, to apologize, and to find what makes you passionate. Take gender studies, art, music, and humanities classes for the fun of it. Learn about other people and recognize not everyone grew up with the same opportunities as you or has it as easy. Study abroad. You might never get summers off again, so make the most of your time; meet new people, try new things, and travel, because it only gets harder the older you get."
Following Moore's speech, each graduate took the stage following a personal introduction by the Head of School. Ms. Freeman read off a list of adjectives—words that captured their essence suggested by their teachers – then announced each graduate's name. One by one, the graduates stepped forward to give their own version of "The Last Word" speech, sharing heartfelt, sometimes humorous, reflections on their time at West Sound Academy. They thanked parents, teachers, friends, and everyone who had supported them along the way.

Next, the graduates left their seats by the stage and walked over to their waiting instruments. With the help of WSA music teacher Paul Burback, during the last few weeks of the school year, the Class of 2024 prepared a performance for the audience at their graduation. The song - "Float On" by Modest Mouse – was a hit with the audience.
It was now time for the presentation of the diplomas. Dean of Students Cari Crane stepped forward and read each graduate's name. As they came to the stage, Ms. Freeman handed them their diplomas, then came the pause for photos. When all had received their diplomas, Freeman asked the graduates to move their tassels from the right side of their caps to the left. The audience applauded as these newly minted alumni were presented to the world.
To the upbeat tune of "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats, the graduates walked outside and headed for the Village Green lawn below. Teachers, family, and friends followed, and the sun came out too!
The graduates tossed their caps into the air amid cheers and laughter—a fitting finale to their West Sound Academy journey.

Congratulations, Class of 2024!

Erys Allemann
Erys Allemann is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Stacey Higginbotham and Andrew Allemann of Bainbridge Island
Erys will be attending Bryn Mawr College.

Nadia Fisch
Nadia Fisch is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Ann Emineth and Karl Fisch of Port Townsend
Nadia will be attending Barnard College.

Arlea Forbes-Prater
Arlea Forbes-Prater is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Karena Forbes of Indianola and Joseph Prater of Kingston
Arlea will be attending Berklee College of Music.

Grey Gienow
Grey Gienow is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Melissa and Scott Gienow of Hansville
Grey will be attending Western Washington University.

Noah Holly
Noah Holly is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Holly and Blaise Holly of Port Hadlock.
Noah will be attending Colorado School of Mines.

Zia Magill
Zia Magill is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Jessica Plumb and Frank Magill of Port Townsend
Zia will be attending the University of Vermont.

Lilia Manges
Lilia Manges is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Kate D’Archangel and Jason Manges of Kingston
Lilia will be attending Amherst College.

Emmie McGrew
Emmie McGrew is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Scott and Brianne McGrew of Kingston
Emmie will be attending Montana State University.

Sukhman Nagra
Parents: Sarabjit Kaur and Harinderbir Singh of Poulsbo
Sukhman will be attending Olympic College.

Abbigail Parks
Abbigail Parks is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate.
Parents: Elmari and Roger Parks of Kingston
Abbigail will be attending Thomas Jefferson University.